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Meeting Room

Corporate facilitation services

Drive team unity, progress and meaningful outcomes during times of change, growth or challenge


Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You are a people and culture or human resources general manager with a seat at the strategic leadership table.

  • Your leadership team is ready to embark on its annual or longer-term strategic planning process. 

  • Your organisation is experiencing a significant period of change, such as a merger or restructure.

  • You're undertaking a whole-organisation employee survey that will underpin your staff alignment and engagement work.

  • You're realigning your organisational mission, purpose and direction.

  • Your leadership team sometimes has trouble agreeing on ideas because of differing values, opinions or approaches. 

Imagine if your leadership team could...

  • Work together more effectively, understand common objectives and plan how to achieve these productively during meetings, workshops or discussions.

  • Share ideas, listen to different viewpoints, engage in healthy debates, and plan and make decisions more efficaciously.

  • Navigate periods of change, uncertainty, planning or growth with confidence and team unity.


Introducing Intentional Co.'s Professional Facilitation Services

Using proven techniques and an engaging professional facilitation style, I'll bring out the best in your meeting or workshop group, helping you achieve a lot in a short time and actually enjoy the experience.

A key strength is my ability to summarise and articulate what the group is communicating while promoting empathy, understanding and effective decision making.

I Will...​

  • Ensure discussion flows and participation is maximised.

  • Pace the session, keeping you focused and on task.

  • Identify connecting themes to improve understanding and keep things progressing.

  • Recognise objections or challenges that may arise later.

  • Ask for feedback to test potential solutions.

  • Negotiate different positions and manage conflict.

  • Facilitate a clear decision that is owned by the group.


I can facilitate group activities online via Zoom or in-person at a location of your choice.


My facilitation style is right for you if:

  • You need an experienced and dynamic facilitator to support and guide your leadership team.

  • You need an impartial point-person to listen, facilitate discussion, debate, introduce decision-making techniques or guide strategic planning during professional development following an employee survey or any major internal change. 

  • You want a business and leadership expert who knows how to unite your leadership team through a period of change or challenge. 

Fern leaf

Meet your facilitator:

Hi, I'm Sandene.

Before I started Intentional Co., I spent 20 years leading teams and working alongside leaders to overcome workplace challenges and realise human potential. During my time at Insync, a management consultancy, I debriefed hundreds of alignment and engagement surveys and worked with executive leadership teams to improve the employee experience.

I am confident in my facilitation skills and enjoy the dynamic, often challenging interactions and issues that today’s leadership teams face.

Standing Meeting

Are you ready to experience a more successful, happier career or to build an aligned, engaged and successful workforce?

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